We need to be sure that future generations will able to breathe CLEAN AIR, EAT HEALTHY FOOD, and most of that the concept of POLLUTION and GLOBAL WARMING will not be a threat for them.
We all have a voice
Every fan of mine is an additional voice that empowers our efforts for sustainability, and together we can build global awareness faster.
If you support the direction of a sustainable planet and you like moto sport, join my Fanclub, and we will save the earth together.
Join Tony Mission
And my Sponsors?
All my sponsors are a part of our mission.
We are winning for a sustainable planet together. I adore all sponsor's efforts for sustainability, and with every race, every win, we are closer to a clean future.
For me, the final victory will come when we save the earth for the future generations
And I know my bike is not an alternative transportation vehicle
We can not forget that throughout history, humans made many mistakes
Human evolution has a sort of price tag attached.
If we think about it no kind of sport could be considered unrelated to the activity of pollution: when they build the equipment or tools to compete, the production is not healthy for our planet.
What is important is our attitude. and what we decide to communicate, because we have to be the role models.
We must build awareness so industries can adapt their operations, and together with billions of people, we can save the planet together.